Friday, November 14, 2014

Merak  : The Most Beautiful Bird

Merak or Peafowl is a bird of the Phasianidae family. They are relative of the peasant. Merak is found in Java and Sumatera. You can also find them in India or Malaysia but they are different from Indonesian Merak. Merak in Indonesia has unique feature : they colourful.

Merak has different type and some of them has different colour of feather. They are very calm but in the same time can be aggressive too.

You probably think that it must be fun o take picture with these animal, well I’m sure your guide would not allow since merak can attack people at anytime.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Macrogalidia musschenbroekiiSulawesi palm civet

Geographic Range

Sulawesi palm civets are found only on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. Verified range on the island includes the end of the Minahassa peninsula, the east peninsula, the southeast peninsula, and a small section of central Sulawesi. Few sighting or specimens have been recorded from central and southern Sulawesi. (Lee, et al., 2003Wemmer and Watling, 1986)

Two other species of civets occur within Sulawesi palm civet range. Both the common palm civet and the Malay civet have been introduced to Sulawesi. (Veron, 2001)

Biogeographic Regionsoriental  native Other Geographic Termsisland endemic


Sulawesi palm civets preferred habitat is primary growth rain forest. Evidence suggests these civets are equally prevalent across elevations within its range. These habitats include upper montane rain forest and cloud forest, lower montane rain forest, and lowland rain forest. Sulawesi civets are also associated with farms, where they seek out chicken coops. (Schreiber, et al., 1989Wemmer and Watling, 1986)

Habitat Regionstropical terrestrialTerrestrial Biomesrainforest mountainsOther Habitat FeaturesagriculturalRange elevation0 to 2600 m0.00 to 8530.18 ft

Physical Description

Sulawesi civets posses a soft, short, fine coat with brown coloration on the back and yellow brown coloration on the under parts. The breast may have a reddish tint. Vague darker spots are arranged along the back in two vertical rows on either side of the spine. Between seven and eleven light yellowish tail rings can also be present, but may be incomplete or irregularly spaced. The tip of the tail is darker. The face is brown with paler zones of hair around the eyes, in the ears, and along the upper lip. (Lydekker, 1896Wemmer, et al., 1983)

Very few living specimens have been measured. The data presented here are based on two female specimens and one male. Body lengths for these females were 650 mm plus a 480 mm tail and 680 mm with a broken tail 445 mm long. Male body length was 715 mm with a 540 mm tail. Despite having a common name of “giant civet,” they are not unusually large for a civet, being similar in size to masked palm civets. They are, however, the largest wild carnivore on Sulawesi Females have a perineal scent gland behind their genetalia, but males seem to lack a perineal scent gland. The female gland characteristics are similar to those of masked palm civet. The only other taxa of palm civets in which males lack a scent gland is the genus Arctogalidia. Upper and lower cheek teeth run parallel rather than diverging towards the back. (Lydekker, 1896Wemmer, et al., 1983)

Molecular evidence shows that Sulawesi civets are actually in the subfamily Hemigalinae instead of Paradoxurinae where they have been historically grouped. Its morphological similarities to the Paradoxurines are due to convergence. This puts Sulawesi civets closest relative as the otter civet. (Wilting and Fickel, 2012)

Other Physical Featuresendothermic bilateral symmetrySexual Dimorphismmale largerRange mass3.85 to 6.1 kg8.48 to 13.44 lbRange length1130 to 1255 mm44.49 to 49.41 in


The reproductive biology of these civets has yet to be studied.

Reproductive behavior of this little known viverrid is still unknown. It is likely similar to other civets, but because Sulawesi civets are monotypic in its genus and possibly grouped in the wrong subfamily it is difficult to compare them to other species. In general, other civets have one to two litters of one to three young per year, with a gestation period of 30 to 60 days. Time to sexual maturity is about one year. (Wemmer and Watling, 1986Wilting and Fickel, 2012)

Key Reproductive Featuresiteroparous gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate) sexual viviparousBreeding intervalThe breeding interval for Sulawesi civets is unknown.Breeding seasonThe mating season for Sulawesi civets is unknown.

Females care for the young and have two pairs of nipples. It is possible that mother and young share some territory. It is unlikely that males participate in parental care, but this is not known for sure. (Wemmer and Watling, 1986Wemmer, et al., 1983)

Parental Investmentfemale parental care


Lifespan of the Sulawesi civet is unknown. Other civets have lifespans of 5 to 20 years.


The Sulawesi civet is solitary and nocturnal. It is a highly skilled climber and specializes in arboreal foraging. It has semi-retractable claws, quick reflexes, flexible feet, and a mobile tail for balance and bracing. It spends more time on the ground than some related species, like the binturong and African palm civet. (Wemmer and Watling, 1986)

Key Behaviorsarboreal terricolous nocturnal motile solitary

Home Range

The length of time between visits to a particular site (5 to 10 days) by individual Sulawesi civets suggests that they maintain a large home range, similar to the 150 hectare range of African civets. (Wemmer and Watling, 1986)

Communication and Perception

Unlike Malay civets, Sulawesi palm civets do not make latrines to mark territory with repeated defecation in the same place. They do leave scratch markings on trees 2 m or so from the ground. Females have a perineal scent gland, most likely for within species communication. (Wemmer and Watling, 1986Wemmer, et al., 1983)

Communication Channelsvisual chemicalPerception Channelsvisual tactile acoustic chemical

Food Habits

Sulawesi palm civets are omnivores, subsisting on a variety of animal prey and fruits. Scat analysis showed small rodents and birds to be the highest content, but fruits probably provide a larger portion of the diet and are more completely digested. Prey attributed to Sulawesi palm civets include the Sulawesi cuscus, piglets of the Sulawesi warty pig, various members of the 28 species of rodents found on Sulawesi, chickens, and megapodes including Macrodephalon maleo, as well as bird eggs. When consuming a bird, the Sulawesi civet eats the entire animal, including most of the feathers and the feet. In its fugivorus capacity, Sulawesi palm civets are more of a specialist on palm fruits than the Malay civet. Additional fruit foods include cultivated bananas and papayas. Grass was also found in scats, probably eaten for its fibrous benefits. (Wemmer and Watling, 1986)

Primary Dietcarnivore  eats terrestrial vertebrates eats eggs  herbivore  frugivore  omnivoreAnimal Foodsbirds mammals eggsPlant Foodsleaves fruit


As the largest native predator on Sulawesi, this civet does not have conspicuous anti-predator adaptions. Number killed by humans and other mortality statistics are unknown.

Known Predatorshumans (Homo sapiens)

Ecosystem Roles

These civets are good dispersers of seeds given their preference for palm fruits and the large range of forest types they are found in on Sulawesi. They are also an important predator as the largest mammalian carnivore on the island. (Corlett, 2007Wemmer and Watling, 1986)

Ecosystem Impactdisperses seeds

Economic Importance for Humans: Positive

There is evidence that Sulawesi palm civets are sometimes eaten if caught accidentally. Their pelts are sometimes kept as trophies if killed raiding livestock or caught accidentally. They have no great economic value to humans and is not specifically sought out. Sulawesi palm civets could be considered a pest controller, because of the large portion of rodents in their diet. (Wemmer and Watling, 1986)

Positive Impactscontrols pest population

Economic Importance for Humans: Negative

Sulawesi palm civets are known to raid chicken coops. (Wemmer and Watling, 1986)

Negative Impactscrop pest

Conservation Status

Population estimates are difficult because of data limitations and their reclusive nature. The lower elevation forest habitat of the Sulawesi civet is at risk from extensive logging. The high elevation forest is less at risk due to the difficulty of access for humans. Some suggest that these civets could be at risk from hunting, but the native peoples of Sulawesi do not harvest civets due to their distasteful perineal gland. When hunting does occur it takes place in the lowland range of the civet. Sulawesi civets live in several protected areas: including The Dumoga Bone National Park, Gunung Ambang Reserve, Tangkoko-Batuangas Reserve, Lore Lindu Reserve, and Morowali Reserve. (Brooks, et al., 1999Corlett, 2007Schreiber, et al., 1989Wemmer and Watling, 1986)