Monday, June 4, 2012

MOLUCCAN KING PARROT  (Alisterus amboinensis)

Species Profile

Genus: Alisterus | Species:amboinensis


35cm (13.6 in)


145-163g (5.1-5.7 oz)

Races including nominate:

six: A.a. amboinensis, A.a. sulaensis, A.a. versicolor, A.a. buruensis, A.a. hypophonius, A.a. dorsalis

Colourization Adult:

A.a. amboinensis: Both adults red head and underparts; mantle to upper tail coverts violet/blue; wings soft green; tail black washed with violet/blue, the outside feathers with dull pink edging. Upper mandible orange/red tipped with black, lower mandible black. Eye orange.
A.a. sulaensis: As in amboinensisbut green stripe across upper mantle; no pink edging on tail feathers.
A.a. versicolor: Different from sulaensis by having a uniformly blue mantle; smaller in size than amboinensis.
A.a. buruensis: As in sulaensisbut more tail feathers edged with pink. Bill grey/black in both sexes.
A.a. hypophonius: As in amboinensis but wings and wing coverts deep blue; pink on tail feathers absent.
A.a. dorsalis: As in amboinensis but pink on tail feathers absent; slightly darker red on head and underparts.

Colourization Juvenile:

Mantle green; side tail feathers tipped with soft red. Bill brown/black tipped paler. Eye dark brown.


Calls are high-pitched and slightly ringing, repeated by male at rate of two notes every three seconds for up to 20 seconds. Also screeching from both male and female.

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